Saturday, February 6, 2010

time comes...

When time comes answers will review, once review will be decide, decided to accept the answers or not tht will be hard, for faith will see wat time will come to meet once again, to be suffer no one will ever knows wat would suffer most, to be most knowledge ppl will judge, been judged ppl will see the judged answer whether is good or bad, to be good is hard bt to be bad it only take a second to be like a horror person tht kills ever each of them in the world, world will no longer be fair for ppl who are good, fair in this world is meaning less, meaning less would be no more hope in with each other, and each other would not gain any more trust, trust no one bt Ur self.
Ur self makes yr own way, Ur own way is to get back to ur own world tht is no one will ever understand in Ur world bt only U tht can understand, by understanding yr self 1st to judge some one tht U love & care, love & care would not find U.

U would have to care Ur self to love each and other, do U really understand wat U ever make one silly mistake, a mistake tht hurt each & ever Ur love ones tht care most abt U, bt mistake will be a terrible memories to think and to keep inside U self, tht burns Ur own life into aches & blow ever each places tht U have a crossed.

Bare in mind tht U are the one the is only judging ppl, bare in mind tht U make Ur own ways to become stressed cause U think tht U are more popular tht knw some one tht is like a famous dish or beverage, bt U are wrong until U found out tht U have did wrong it would be too late, there is no restart or formatting life there is only start and ended up dead. so bare in mind to notice wat have ppl talking at the back U will never knw wat thy do, by saying U betray some one or U are like a bitch to go for the famed tht U think it's for U.

Wrong choices will only make Ur make yr body and mind by leave one scar, tht U will never wanted to be there with U, when U notice wat U had done to ppl, others will never wanted to believe once thy have found the truth answer tht U have been lying to ppl, tell one word tht U have never think before U will only end up worst thn not telling.

Betray on ppl tht love & cares U most will only end up being enemies, enemieswill never leave Ur side until thy are done torturing so tht U would know the suffering tht U have made them to remember on their memories, once U have know tht U maked them suffer it would be to late to apologize to them, cause thy have been marked a scar on the heart cause of caring & loving U.

Be reminded for being bad to some one is not a good thing ppl will turn against U for wat U have ever turned the good ppl becoming Ur own enemies.Don't believe try doing it U will know the feelings once U betray & back step the ppl U ever love, it would be yr own fault to make things happen on the beginning of the story.